Government and state-owned enterprise consultants
Construction engineering
Foreign related laws
labour law
Transportation and Infrastructure
Real estate and urban renewal
Banks and Securities
natural resources
Asset management and disposal
company law
Bankruptcy liquidation
intellectual property right
Family wealth management
Criminal law
Sports Law
Insurance Law
Civil law
Data compliance
rural revitalization
Criminal law

As the earliest large-scale comprehensive law firm in Guangzhou, Guangdong Qiyuan Law Firm's criminal defense business is one of our traditional advantageous business areas. Our criminal defense lawyers are all senior lawyers who are proficient in company law and criminal law. Most of them graduated from top law schools in China, with a master's degree or above in criminal law or criminal procedural law. They have a solid foundation in professional knowledge and profound academic and theoretical foundations. Some members have rich experience in criminal justice work in public, procuratorial, and legal institutions, specializing in handling various major, difficult, and complex criminal cases.

Service area

Acting as an agent for reporting and accusing parties in criminal cases

Providing legal assistance to suspect in the investigation stage

Serve as the defender for the suspect in the examination and prosecution stage, the defendant and the appellant in the trial stage

Representing victims in criminal proceedings and conducting criminal incidental civil litigation activities

Acting as an agent for criminal appeals and other legal activities related to criminal cases

Represent clients/projects

Zhang Ziqiang's Malicious Criminal Gang Case

The Spy Case of Dong, a Chinese American

Contract fraud case involving Hu, the boss of "Ido"

The Guangxiao Temple bombing case

Bribery case of police officers from the Vehicle Management Office of Guangzhou Traffic Police Detachment

1.4 billion yuan "Ant Moving" Smuggling Red Oil Case in Panyu

Xingning Mining Accident Major Liability Accident Case

Yangjiang Triad Case

The bribery case of Ye, former director of Shaoguan Public Security Bureau

Guangzhou Wu's Triad Case

Zhongshan Public Insider Trading Case

The 21st Century Newspaper News extortion case

Zijin Mining's "9.21" Major Liability Accident Case

Guangdong's First Hacker Crime Case

success case
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