About Qiyuan

Guangdong Qiyuan Law Firm is a law firm with a history of nearly 40 years and rich cultural heritage.
Our firm originated from the Guangzhou Military Region Air Force Legal Advisory Office in 1984. In 1987, it was approved by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Justice as a directly affiliated Guangdong Nanhua Law Firm. In 1992 and 1999, it was renamed Guangdong Business and Finance Law Firm and Guangdong Qiyuan Law Firm. In 2000 and 2019, it was restructured into a partnership firm and a special general partnership law firm.
The word "Qiyuan" comes from the "Biography of Confucianism" in the "Old Book of Tang", which states that "Qiyuan is the source of enlightening people's ears and eyes, and the source of poor laws and regulations". Its original meaning is that Confucian culture can open up the wisdom of children and is the origin of the legal system. The purpose of naming this place is to encourage all colleagues to start from the law, uphold fairness and justice, conduct themselves with integrity, practice with integrity, and solve problems for clients with exquisite professional expertise.
Our firm adheres to the concept of "standardized practice and steady development". After nearly forty years of development, we have become a large-scale, comprehensive, and influential law firm that provides comprehensive and high-quality legal services to society. There are nearly 200 lawyers currently, including nearly 60 partners. Four branch offices were opened in Nansha, Baiyun, Danzhou, Hainan and Pulan, Xizang.
We are well-known in the industry for our rich history, standardized management, outstanding talents, and brilliant achievements. We have won the highest honor in the Chinese legal community twice - "National Excellent Law Firm", and have been honored with titles such as "Excellent Law Firm in Guangdong Province", "Excellent Law Firm in Guangzhou City", "Standardized Management Demonstration Unit", "Outstanding Contribution Unit for Serving the Economy and Society", "Sincere and Excellent Law Firm", and "40 Years of Guangdong Lawyers". At the same time, our party branch has been successively awarded the title of "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization in the Lawyer Industry" at the national, provincial, and municipal levels, becoming a golden slam law firm where both the law firm and party branch have won awards such as "National Excellent", "Provincial Excellent", and "City Excellent".
Our firm attaches equal importance to both introduction and training, and has gathered a professional and experienced team of lawyers. Several lawyers have won honors such as "National Excellent Lawyer", "Guangdong Province Excellent Lawyer", "Top Ten Lawyers in Guangzhou", and "National May Day Labor Medal". Most of the lawyers graduated from top universities at home and abroad, and many of them have educational backgrounds or work experience in public security, procuratorial and judicial departments, finance and taxation accounting, business management, engineering technology, etc. Many lawyers are professors in higher law schools, leaders of provincial and municipal bar associations, representatives of provincial and municipal people's congresses, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, or selected experts in multiple fields in provinces and cities. More than 20 lawyers have served as arbitrators in arbitration institutions such as Guangzhou Arbitration Commission, China International Trade Arbitration Commission South China Branch, and China Sports Arbitration Commission.
Our firm adheres to the business model of "professional division of labor and team collaboration", and promotes the three traditional professional brands of "business finance", "construction engineering", and "criminal defense". Our business departments such as "real estate and urban renewal", "corporate enterprises", "intellectual property", "labor and human resources", and "asset management and disposal" have become well-known brands in the industry. Our influential and characteristic professional teams include "sports law", "insurance law", "data compliance", and "transportation and infrastructure (road and bridge transportation)". Our firm has also obtained qualifications such as "bankruptcy liquidation administrator" and "patent agency", and has been recommended by the Guangzhou Municipal Government as a unit that has made outstanding contributions to promoting the construction of a rule of law government and providing services to ensure the economic and social development of the city.
Our firm attaches great importance to the integration of industry and academia, advancing theory and practice, and has become a teaching and practice base for China University of Political Science and Law, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Law School of Guangzhou University, and EMBA of Jinan University. Several lawyers have been hired as part-time professors or mentors.
Looking up at the starry sky, down-to-earth. Qiyuan Lawyer will keep pace with the times, keep up with the pulse of the times, and wholeheartedly provide better and more efficient legal services for clients at home and abroad, growing together with clients!

Development path

Our firm adheres to the concept of "standardized practice and steady development". After nearly forty years of development, we have become a large-scale, comprehensive, and influential law firm that provides comprehensive and high-quality legal services to society. There are nearly 200 lawyers currently, including nearly 60 partners. Four branch offices were opened in Nansha, Baiyun, Danzhou, Hainan and Pulan, Xizang.

Formally established

Formerly known as the Guangzhou Military Region Air Force Legal Advisory Office - Guangdong Nanhua Law Firm

Establishment of Law Firm

Guangdong Nanhua Law Firm

Law firm renaming

Renamed as "Guangdong Business and Finance Law Firm"

Law firm restructuring

On October 8, 1999, the Department of Justice restructured its affiliated law firms

Renaming the law firm

Renamed as "Guangdong Qiyuan Law Firm"

Law firm restructuring

On November 17, 2000, the law firm was restructured as a partnership through decoupling

Further restructuring of law firms

The law firm was restructured again in 2019 as a special general partnership with a paid up capital of RMB 10 million.

Branch opening

Branch opened on November 17, 2020, Guangdong Qiyuan (Nansha) Law Firm opened

Relocation to a new location

Floor 42, Block H, Gaode Land Plaza, No. 12, the Pearl River East Road, the Pearl River New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

The opening of the second branch office

In August 2020, Guangdong Qiyuan (Xizang Pulan) Law Firm opened

Formally established

Formerly known as the Guangzhou Military Region Air Force Legal Advisory Office - Guangdong Nanhua Law Firm

Establishment of Law Firm

Guangdong Nanhua Law Firm

Law firm renaming

Renamed as "Guangdong Business and Finance Law Firm"

Law firm restructuring

On October 8, 1999, the Department of Justice restructured its affiliated law firms

Renaming the law firm

Renamed as "Guangdong Qiyuan Law Firm"

Law firm restructuring

On November 17, 2000, the law firm was restructured as a partnership through decoupling

Further restructuring of law firms

The law firm was restructured again in 2019 as a special general partnership with a paid up capital of RMB 10 million.

Branch opening

Branch opened on November 17, 2020, Guangdong Qiyuan (Nansha) Law Firm opened

Relocation to a new location

Floor 42, Block H, Gaode Land Plaza, No. 12, the Pearl River East Road, the Pearl River New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou

The opening of the second branch office

In August 2020, Guangdong Qiyuan (Xizang Pulan) Law Firm opened